Done right, channel incentive programs can help you increase sales, profits, loyalty and product knowledge. And, no matter how your channel is structured (distributors, dealers, independent/captive) you can achieve your goals by including six program elements:
Increase visits to your corporate and channel incentive program website by including an element of gamification. This will make it fun for participants, increase their logins and enhance their chances to add points to their program bank account. Make sure to use a single sign on process to simplify the participant login process and to increase the data security of your program.
Add a new product knowledge module and product quiz each month. Provide reward points for all participants who complete the product knowledge quiz.
Set monthly objectives and reward top performers with bonus points when they achieve the objective.
Stratify participant levels to create more opportunity for top performers and an incentive for all participants to move to a higher level.
Create a monthly auction where participants can bid for a unique award opportunity (i.e. tickets to the Grammy Awards).
Invite feedback about the program and interview top performers. Then share the feedback with all participants and provide some tips from top performers.
Adding these elements to your channel incentive program will increase program interest and excitement, and go a long way to help you achieve the goals you have set for the program.